Book Review: The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

When Fairy Tales and Science Fiction Collide: From Cinderella to Snow White

“The Lunar Chronicles” is a captivating series by Marissa Meyer that reimagines classic fairy tales in a futuristic world where humans, cyborgs, and supernatural Lunars intertwine. The series skillfully combines science fiction with fantasy, weaving each tale into a larger, cohesive narrative that culminates in a thrilling finale where a gang of unlikely young heroes strive to overthrow a tyrannical government.

Book 1: Cinder: The series kicks off with a futuristic twist on Cinderella. Cinder, a cyborg mechanic in New Beijing, finds her life intertwined with Prince Kai’s and discovers startling secrets about her past that will alter her future forever.

Book 2: Scarlet: Inspired by Little Red Riding Hood, this book introduces Scarlet, a bold French farmer who embarks on a quest to find her missing grandmother with the help of Wolf, a street fighter with deep secrets. Their adventure leads to perilous discoveries and a blossoming romance.

Book 3: Cress: Retelling the story of Rapunzel, Cress centers on a brilliant hacker who has been trapped on a satellite. She is rescued by Captain Carswell Thorne, and together they embark on a mission that challenges both their destinies.

Book 4: Winter: The final book wraps up the series with a reimagining of Snow White. Princess Winter and her loyal guard, Jacin, join Cinder and her allies to confront Queen Levana.

Fairest: Although a prequel to “The Lunar Chronicles,” “Fairest” delves into the backstory of Queen Levana, portraying her as a damaged and lonely princess, before she became the notorious Queen seen in the series.

Stars Above: A collection of short stories set in the world of the Lunar Chronicles. This anthology deepens the backstory and futures of beloved characters from the series. It includes tales like “The Keeper,” exploring Scarlet’s grandmother’s protection of Cinder, and “The Queen’s Army,” which reveals Wolf’s origin. The collection also features “The Mechanic,” detailing Cinder’s meeting with Kai, and “Something Old, Something New,” a charming epilogue wrapping up the series with a festive gathering. This collection is a must-read for fans, offering new insights and filling the gaps left by the main series.

Marissa Meyer’s series will enchant readers who enjoy fresh takes on classic tales, particularly those who appreciate a blend of science fiction, romance, and adventure. Each book maintains its own narrative arc while contributing to the series’ overarching plot, making it a compelling read for fans of character-driven stories.

Each book in “The Lunar Chronicles” not only pays homage to its fairy tale origins but also expands the story in unique and intriguing ways. Meyer’s integration of romance, personal growth, and heroic quests against the backdrop of a richly built world makes for an enthralling series. The evolution of Cinder from a mechanic to a revolutionary is particularly well-executed, embodying the series’ theme of self-discovery and empowerment.

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