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Sign-up for E. S. O. Martin’s newsletter and here are some cool things you will gain access to:

A FREE ebook of E. S. O. Martin’s short story “Heart in a Jar” which will be appearing in her forthcoming short story collection What We Talk About When We Talk About The Apocalypse. “Heart in a Jar” is a haunting tale of love, death, and the eternal power of a mother’s love. Anya’s mother kept a human heart in a jar on the mantlepiece. The heart was magical: it would beat when in the presence of true love. But when Anya’s mother dies, the heart stops beating. This 5,000-word short story is about Anya’s quest to bring that heart back to life…by finding true love.

“Instantly compelling, Heart in a Jar conjures an enigmatic world and characters who get deep into your bones. Not inside your head (though that’s true, too); this is a story of passions. What happens when you give a heart? What if you give it as a pledge? If you give it in exchange for another heart? If you give it out of longing or emptiness? How many times can a heart be given? Broken? Can it be mended? Heart in a Jar dances around such questions in a delicate, gripping choreography that veers close to the edge of understanding and then sweeps past to remain in the emotional, restless terrain of the heart.” 

L. L. Rose, author of Tim, Mendacities, and Possession

From the author of Candid Family Portrait, “Welcome to Parenthood” is a FREE PDF with over 80 pages of recommended podcasts, books, movies, TV shows, and stand-up comedy for parents adjusting to parenthood.

What you WON’T find in this PDF:

  • Pregnancy advice
  • Judgments about c-sections, natural births, or “supernatural births”
  • Lengthy screes on breastfeeding, cloth diapers, or all the ways you are failing as a parent

What you WILL find in this PDF:

  • Podcast recommendations
  • Non-fiction book recommendations on gender, equality, marriage, work-life balance, sustainability, and meditations on how parents experience parenting in our current capitalist society
  • Non-fiction book recommendations on marriage and long-term relationships, especially in all the ways they change after the birth of a child
  • Novels and memoirs about the emotional and physical experience of parents
  • Film and TV show recommendations about parenthood
  • Stand-up comedy recommendations about early parenthood

But wait…there’s more!

  • Since photography is a major theme in Candid Family Portrait, E. S. O. Martin has also included books and movie recommendations about photography and female photographers
  • Practical advice on how E. S. O. Martin and her family manage their family photo library

Newsletter recipients will also receive emails every few weeks with updates, book deals, reviews, blog posts, music playlists, and other cool stuff E. S. O. Martin is excited to share.